2014년 3월 31일 월요일

Lumisia 2-Newsletter 2014 MAR

Successfully done the events of Mar.

LUMISIA’S big issue is absolutely releasing the new models at the moment. As we previously  announced, the launching show was held on 5th Mar in EL-Tower, Seoul. Definately we listened to all visitors’ words attentively during the show. A lot of lighting designers and experts were liberal with their support and technical feedback on our products and effort.

The launching show served as a momentum for us to ensure that LUMISIA is making a constant effort to be the best Korean LED lighting company.  

Our marketing team is trying to have many chances to introduce LUMISIA’s all line-up not only in Korea, but also in overseas this year.0 So we are planning to attend many of trade shows, fairs and exhibitions than past years. 

- The launching show, 5th. Mar. in Seoul

Attending Prolight+Sound 2014, Frankfurt has been successfully completed.  There were more than 110,000 visitors from 142 countries and 897 exhibitors from 42 countries for the show this year.  The show has the great reputation this year than any other events. As one of the exhibitors, LUMISIA  showcased not only regular products but also newly released models there. Especially, LUMI PAINTER ULTRA INT has grabbed visitors’ attention and got many inquiries of LUMI PAINTER SERIES as usual. Moreover, many lighting experts showed  their interests in LUMI750 (430W / LED Moving Head with 3-phases motor) and LUMI STUDIO 300 (LED Fresnel Lighting for Studios) as well.  It was a great chance to read the world trend of LED special lighting and other equipment in that show. Also nothing was more important to us than meeting the new visitors and having a valuable time to share with them. Once again, thank you very much for your visiting during the show.

- Prolight+Soung2014, 12. Mar.~15.Mar. in Frankfurt